Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day 12

Today I convinced (guilted) my sweetheart Wade to join me for the Saturday noon class! I was excited for him and also a little scared he might get up, give me a "how could you?" glare and leave in the middle of class. If you were a fly on the wall of our car on the way to the studio, this is what you would have heard:

M: I'd drink as much of that water bottle as possible before you get there
W: nah, Im fine

M: If you feel dizzy or nauseous at any time, dont be embarrassed to sit or lie down
W: ok (with a concerned tone)

M: Feeling dizzy or nauseous is totally normal, but if you feel like something is wrong, dont just run out...make sure you motion to the teacher that you need to leave
W: um, usually feeling dizzy or nauseous does mean something is wrong.

M: oh, well you know what I mean
W: not really, I just know I should never have agreed to this!

BUT....he rocked (as I knew he would!) I mean, he couldn't get the arms figured out on Eagle, looked more like a broken umbrella than a capital letter T, and did tree on the floor....but I was beaming at him in the mirror with pride. He tried really hard, got an awesome workout, surprised himself with his strength, and felt really good when he left. As we sat out in the lobby and cooled off, this was our conversation

W: look at all the people who come here and torture themselves!
M: Yeah, but look how fit they are! Do you wanna come back?
W: I think I could do more yoga.....without the hot!

W: My arms looked buff in that mirror!
M: yes they did baby! :)

I think I just fell a little more in love with him today!


  1. Hmmmm...I might have to take a little credit for helping to convince him. Ask him what I told him about yoga :)

  2. Thats amazing he went with YOu I have been trying to get my boyfriend to go for 2 years no luck YET!
