Tuesday, May 11, 2010

1 down, 29 to go!

DAY 1:

Today was hard, much harder than I thought it would be. I've done this class a number of times before...but it had been a while and I think I shocked my body! I got to class early and had a lot of time to lay on my mat and prep myself for the workout ahead. But I have to admit that when the instructor came in, inside I was screaming "NO NOT YET!!!" Thankfully I didnt scream outloud and class went on with or without
my lazy inner voice.

I Made it through the first breathing exercise, no problem...and then on the 2nd pose, my partially torn left rotator cuff made itself known. I silently cursed it, and adjusted my body to make it happier...and that was the last I heard from it. Thank you sweet little left rotator cuff for complying tonight!

I had alot of dizzy and lightheaded moments during the standing series, so I spent the majority of time in savasana on my pink and green beach towel. I was
very proud as I laid there though because my Hot Yoga partner in crime, Karie Clair rocked tonight....especially in eagle pose! Dont think your awesome form went unnoticed friend!

I also want to thank Karie for taking the before pic of me and
providing the cat paint art. (possibly the funniest iphone app ever!) I think that is what my after picture is missing....that and some makeup!

My body feels awesome right now, it was happy to be pushed like it was tonight. Im looking forward to tomorrow's class...and the drive home listening to Delilah! :)


  1. so nice to be mentioned in your fancy pants blog!

    i'll see your pretty face on thursday!
